At Mount Clear Church of Christ, we believe in the power of prayer and are committed to loving and caring for one another as Christ loves and cares for us.
Prayer Requests are distributed by text message as needed. To receive these updates, contact the office on 03 5330 1637. Your number will be added to the distribution list once your request is approved.
If you’d like to submit a prayer request please use the form below. Be aware that these requests are only checked on a Monday and Friday. Please let us know if your prayer request is to be shared in the Prayer Forum (general requests) or only with our Ministry Team and Elders (confidential requests). If your prayer request is urgent, contact the office on 03 5330 1637.
Prayer Meetings
Prayer Meetings run twice a week and are held at Mount Clear Church of Christ. Those times are; Wednesday’s – 6:30am and Thursday’s – 7:30pm
All Welcome.
Care Ministry
Pastoral Care and Visitation: There are circumstances in life that require a pastor’s help. During a crisis you may wish to speak to a pastor; times of bereavement, severe illness, personal and interpersonal conflict are examples. We’re here to help. A member of our Pastoral Care Team would be glad to visit with you, whether in the hospital, at our offices, or another location. Please contact the church office to make arrangements to meet with one of our Pastoral Care Team.
Care Team
Sometimes just getting a meal on the table for your family seems overwhelming during a time of crisis. The Care Team can meet your family’s need; whether during an illness, birth of a baby or family crisis, we want to support you so contact us…. We really do care! If you are in need of assistance please contact the church office on 03 5330 1637. A member of the Care Team will be in touch with you.